Who is Dwalt Media?

Well, I am. I am Dwalt Media. Our team is based in Durham, NC but work anywhere an airplane can travel....except Antarctica. Nobody wants to work there. Actually, working there would be awesome. I honestly hope you are viewing this website from Antarctica..

I have a wife.. Due to the level of coolness of the wife, we have children. I like them and we do things together. 

My favorite Netflix show is Breaking Bad and I love crab-legs. If you want to pay in crab legs, I am absolutely ok with this BUT it will be a lot of crab legs.  When I edit, I frequently have The Office playing.

My favorite place in the world is Las Vegas since it's bright and shiny. I like the way pipe tobacco smells but not the way it tastes. The most Krispy Kreme doughnuts I've eaten in an hour is 6. My favorite movie is Blow. I take every single project as if it’s the most critical piece I’ve ever worked on. Also, I love guitar pedals.


That's about it.





